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The contents of this website and the publications available herein may contain advertising and, among other things, information on ESG aspects, including but not limited to ESG ratings, ESG scores, carbon metrics and controversy exposure (hereinafter referred to as “ESG aspects”).


The information and services offered and described on this website are not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person or entity in any country or legal jurisdiction where such distribution or use would be contrary to applicable local laws or regulations. Persons or entities, in respect of whom such prohibitions apply, must not access or use this website. This website is reserved exclusively for non-US persons and should not be accessed by any citizens or residents of the United States. 

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This website and the data, information, notes, documents and tools it contains are primarily intended to present our company and our products and services. The data provided is for information purposes only and does not constitute legal, tax or business advice of any kind.

No warranty

Climatch takes great care to ensure that the information contained on its website is correct and up-to-date. All information contained on this website has been prepared by Climatch or any other Swiss Life Group entities on the basis of publicly available information, internally developed data, and other sources believed to be reliable. However, the information contained on the website is not contractually binding and cannot be used as the sole basis for making any decisions. It is for general information purposes only and should not be considered a general or individualised recommendation or general or personalised advice. Reasonable care has been taken to ensure that the data and information used and contained on the website are accurate and that the opinions stated are fair and reasonable. All opinions and estimates constitute our judgement as of the date of publication and do not constitute general or specific advice. All figures and data are unaudited unless otherwise stated. All information on this website is subject to change without notice.

Information which includes any historical information, data or analysis concerning the future development of ESG aspects should not be taken as an indication or guarantee of any future developments, analyses, forecasts or predictions. Past information about ESG aspects is not a guarantee for future results or the future development of any ESG aspects. In no way does this constitute a guarantee of further positive development of ESG aspects.

Neither Climatch nor any other Swiss Life Group company whether explicitly nor implicitly guarantees that the data, information and references on this website are at all times correct, complete and available. Climatch reserves the right to change or remove data, information or references at any time without prior notice. The data and information are provided by Climatch on an "as is" and "as available" basis.

Exclusion of liability

Your use of the internet or this website, and any links, hyperlinks and web addresses is entirely at your own risk. This also applies to e-mails (electronic mail) and links that connect you to the Swiss Life website. Neither Climatch nor any other Swiss Life Group entity assumes liability whatsoever for direct or indirect loss or damage incurred by users of its websites or by third parties as a result of contacts or transactions made via the internet. In particular, it shall not be held liable for the accuracy, timeliness, quality, suitability or completeness of the data, information and content shown or transmitted via the internet.

Neither Climatch nor any other Swiss Life Group entity guarantees technically smooth and uninterrupted access to its websites, nor can they guarantee that use of their websites will not lead to technical problems elsewhere. Owing to amendments to laws, decrees and regulations and the risks of electronic communication, neither Climatch nor any other Swiss Life Group entity offers assurance or guarantee that the websites will operate consistently without interruption or error or be free from viruses.  As a user, you agree to use this or any connected website and their contents at your own risk. "Use" is also understood to include access to the above-mentioned websites and their contents.

Neither Climatch nor any other Swiss Life Group entity or party involved in the design, production or the provision of this website or any connected website shall be liable for any loss or damage resulting from its use or from any erroneous content, irrespective of whether such loss or damage is direct or indirect, causally or non-causally related, contractual or non-contractual, or resulting from a civil or criminal law offence. This exclusion of liability also refers to indirect and consequential loss or damage such as foregone profits or losses due to business interruptions.

By using this website, visitors accept these terms and conditions of use and confirm that any details they may provide are correct and undertake to indemnify Climatch and the entire Swiss Life Group if they should have provided false information. 

Linked websites

Neither Climatch nor any other Swiss Life Group entity makes assurances in connection with other websites that can be accessed via a link on its own website and over which it has no surveillance. Neither Climatch nor any other Swiss Life Group entity assumes ownership of the contents of third-party websites linked from our own websites. It is unable to accept any responsibility for the contents of the linked sites, particularly not for changes to said sites after configuration of the link. Information contained on third-party websites is independent of our own information. Links, hyperlinks and web addresses leading to one or more other websites are for information purposes only and in no way imply that Climatch or any other Swiss Life Group entity assumes responsibility for the contents of such websites or approves of their contents or their use.


This website contains proprietary names as well as images, information and brand and company names that are protected by copyright. All information contained on our websites is subject to the copyright provisions of your country of domicile and the applicable foreign laws. The applicable laws on the protection of intellectual property expressly prohibit any copying or use, either in full or in part, of such material, which includes the Climatch as well as the Swiss Life logo. No information or references contained on this website may be copied, reproduced, distributed or used in other ways without the explicit written consent of Climatch, unless Climatch has expressly permitted certain use of the images, information or data in question (e.g. download of images). If you would like to apply for approval to copy information contained on this website that is not freely available for use, please contact Climatch AG, c/o Swiss Life AG, General-Guisan-Quai 40, Postfach, 8022 Zurich, Switzerland.

Data protection

Climatch undertakes to make use of the personal data that it receives via this website for internal data processing purposes only. Climatch shall to this end act within the limits of the statutory and regulatory provisions. Climatch undertakes to comply with the applicable data protection laws, in particular the revised Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection as well as the European General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation [EU] 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data ),  as amended from time to time.Climatch undertakes to make use of the personal data that it receives via this website for internal data processing purposes only. Climatch shall to this end act within the limits of the statutory and regulatory provisions. Climatch undertakes to comply with the applicable data protection laws, in particular the revised Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection as well as the European General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation [EU] 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data ), as amended from time to time.


Access to and use of this website and any parts thereof, and the terms and conditions of this legal information, are governed by Swiss law. The place of jurisdiction is Zurich, Switzerland.

Should any provision of the aforementioned terms and conditions of use and legal information be or become invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.